I confess that I sometimes get so caught up in meeting my goals that I forget about people along the way. That is tough to admit, especially because I am in the people business. I also struggle with the fear of man and the desire to please everyone. This people pleasing can cause me to miss the very goals that God has told me to pursue. So to whom do I look as my example? What about Jesus? Was He more of a task guy or a people guy?
“I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal” (Luke 13:32).
Jesus had a goal: to reach Jerusalem and His eventual death on a cross as atonement for our sins. Nothing—not the power of King Herod, nor the opposition of religious leaders—could stop Jesus from His focused effort. He made the clear statement: “I will reach my goal,” and He did.
But Jesus also never ignored genuine human needs as He marched to Jerusalem. No, along the way He healed the sick, battled demonic forces, and taught people about the Kingdom of God. He loved people passionately, even as He was moving toward His goal. Jesus is our example.