Many people point to difficult times as periods of great blessing. But can good times be times of growth, too? All of life is meant to enrich and develop us. Good times and bad times alike are for growth. Consider these instructions for growing with Him in the good times.
1. Sing for joy. If you are enjoying a good time, sing. Celebrate His goodness and delight in Him. These things set your eyes on Him.
2. Receive good times as a gift. The good we enjoy is a gift, a grace. We didn’t make the good happen; we didn’t earn it; we don’t deserve it. Don’t take the gift, or the Giver, for granted.
3. Draw near to God. In good times, God grants a pause so we can take a deep breath and relax in His presence—quiet, alert, and listening. Good times can be storehouse times—for laying in reserves to carry us through future trials.
4. Practice spiritual disciplines. Abundance and happiness can distract us from God. What established routines and choices send your roots deeper into Christ? Hold onto these in good times.
5. Be a steward of the good times. God wants us to manage the good times for the advancement of His Kingdom and for our spiritual development. Good times are a resource to be enjoyed and invested for eternity.