“Beloved child of the Father.” My primary identity. It rolls off my tongue without much thought. But I so quickly forget.
I confront and collapse forgetfulness when I stop, review again, and listen to truth. (I love reminding myself of the truth of God’s names for me in 1 John, especially 1 John 3:2) I hear God’s voice: “Say it slowly, my child. Review my words to you, wonder about them and dissect them. Allow yourself to experience them. Beeeeee-loved.”
I sit. I soak. I ask, “How does a child know love?” My grandkids love when they hear me call their names. They love the invitations to be with me and their poppa. They love the special treats and jobs I reserve for them.
Knowing I am God’s beloved child helps me:
- Review and believe my real name, my primary identity
- Not get enmeshed with temporary identities
- Give myself permission to be who I am, with all my needs
- Ask God to shower me today with His attention, care, and invitation
- Ponder God’s special job for me
How do I live out my beloved-child identity today?
- I realize it’s OK to say no.
- I linger in the freedom of childlikeness.
- I take time to experience its reality.
“But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves” (John 1:12).