As one who has grown fruit trees and vineyards, I have seen how they are an excellent analogy for the Christian life. For good reason, David, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jesus, and Paul use this analogy in their teachings and writings.
Root penetration is as critical to the Christian as it is for the fruit tree. A Christian has to set his or her roots past the hardpan and go deep to the underground water table we call the Word of God. God’s Word is the infinite supply of nourishment for the Christian. Trees that have a healthy root system are not as susceptible to high wind, disease, and insect damage. The Christian who has roots anchored deep in the Word of God is not as susceptible to falling into sin as one who has only surface roots.
The tree only produces fruit after the leaves, trunk, and branches are taken care of. Then the fruit starts to develop. A Christian without deep roots cannot produce much fruit. The fruit that does appear will be stunted, not fully sized and developed. The Christian whose roots are feeding off the Word of God will always have healthy fruit that will pass inspection and possibly stir up interest in how such fruit came about
(1 Peter 3:15).