When I first began trying to help others spiritually, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t have a plan, and we got nowhere. I dreaded the times I was to meet with them and hoped they wouldn’t show up. Then I encountered others with the same concern, and we decided to get a plan.
We made a list of everything we wanted to build into a young Christian. As our vision we put Christ at the center of a life surrounded by the Scriptures, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing. I spent hours studying each of these topics in the Bible and asking questions like these: Why is this subject important? What is it really about? How should I apply it personally? How can I communicate this to others?
After this I knew that the things I wanted to pass on to others were my own personal convictions. They were not someone else’s ideas, or merely my own opinions. They came from my study of God’s Word.
I suggest you do the same thing if you want to disciple others. Spend several hours putting together what you consider the essentials for spiritual survival, drawing your conclusions from the Scriptures and from your own experiences. Once you’ve done your homework and have crystallized your convictions, you’ll have something to share with others.