For several weeks I couldn’t shake the intense inner struggle that enveloped me like a thick cloud. “Why can’t I pull myself out of this?” I wondered. I ended up pouring out my heart to a friend, who responded, “It sounds to me like you need to build some convictions in these areas of your life and not be so double-minded!” Ouch!
There were two ways I could respond. I could well up with pride and defensiveness. After all, I have a lot of convictions for my life! Or I could humble myself, take her words to Jesus, and let Him confirm whether or not this was truth.
I made a big pot of tea and drank it slowly to give myself time to calm down and talk quietly to the Lord. I figured He’d shoot straight with me, so I opened my Bible & started searching. The Lord led me on an incredible journey that released the cloud in my heart. I realized my double-mindedness was linked to who I believed God was. I would believe Him to be one way when things were good (kind, good, loving) but another way (distant, uncaring) when the storms rolled into my life.
Had I let pride get in the way of listening to my friend, I would have missed out on what God wanted to show me. Next time someone speaks into your life, you might want to ask the Lord if there’s any truth in what that person is saying.