What damages discipleship?
1. Ignorance. Some pastors were never discipled, and therefore, don’t know how to do it or don’t think it is important.
2. Fear Some pastors fear that discipleship will raise up leaders who might challenge them. Therefore, discipleship doesn’t happen. Shocking words! But sadly I’ve seen that. Hopefully, you have not.
3. Impatience. No sane church leader would say that Jesus’ method of discipleship was too slow. But if you look at their actions they clearly choose to ignore the discipleship model He set for us. What does Jesus do His first day of active ministry? He doesn’t start planning some big event. He doesn’t go to the temple & declare Himself to be God. John 1:35-42 tell us on His first day of active ministry
He starting collecting men to disciple. Day one! Then He spends 3 years with them before launching them into the world. .
Matthew 28:20 “ teaching them to observe ALL I have commanded you” That takes time!
2 Timothy 2:2 “what you have heard from me ……entrust to faithful men” That can’t be done fast!
Acts 20:27 “ I did not shrink from declaring to you the WHOLE counsel of God”. Can we say the same?
A time for honesty: If we are not following Jesus’ example, we are saying He didn’t know what He was doing and we can do better. .
A time for repentance: let’s confess our disobedience and start doing discipleship Jesus’ way.