Sequoia Unlimited
What are the purpose, mission, target, values, and vision?
A. Purpose:
- To provide a vehicle for International Church Discipleship Ministry
- To provide a vehicle for financial aid to indigenous entities and workers in accordance with our mission.
B. Mission:
- To raise up apostles of church discipleship capable of producing Reproducing Disciple making Churches.
- To provide financial and spiritual support to apostles of church discipleship capable of producing Reproducing Disciple making Churches. By apostles we understand pioneers who have the vision, heart and know-how to help churches become reproducing disciple making churches.
C. Target: All of the Republics and Countries of the former Soviet Block.
D. Values:
- Passion to know, worship, love and become like Jesus Christ.
- The Authority, reliability and sufficiency of the Scriptures for the whole of life.
- The life transforming power of God to save to the uttermost*.
- The leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit.
- Expectant faith and prevailing prayer rooted in the promises of God.
- The value and potential of every person.
- Christian community that exemplifies Christ like graces and empowers growth.
- Fraternal and relational networks.
- Interdependent relationships in pursuit of the cause of Christ.
- The environment of the local church as a tool in God’s hand.
- The Kingdom of God, therefore, National workers and indigenous organizations.
- * Salvation or “save to the uttermost”, includes justification, redemption, adoption, reconciliation, sanctification and glorification.