The Personal Relationship with Christ – Introduction
This relationship should be the first priority of all Christ followers. The Navigator’s Wheel illustration is one way of illustrating the Christ Center Spirit Filled life. The tree illustration as I have drawn it may be an even more comprehensive picture of how a devoted Christ follower’s life should look like. The Bible uses the tree as an illustration in Jer.17:8-9; Psa.1:2-3 and in Col.2:7. I have taken the liberty to develop the tree illustration beyond the scope of these three passages.
First I asked my self based on Col.2:7 the question, “Just what are these roots?” I have identified 11. There is nothing sacred or inspired about this number or about my list. You may chose to differ with me on what to consider roots, and what other parts of the tree might represent. Scroll down for resources on each root.
For me each of the roots represent different modes of relating to Christ in a complete way and drawing life from His total sufficiency for all of ones needs. So that one can maximize one’s growth into Christ likeness and like Christ fulfill one’s God given purpose here on earth. And thus preparing for life eternal with God.
In most cases we develop specific activities around these roots. But these activities are never an end in themselves. And so for any such activity we need to ask if it is actually functioning according to scriptural guide lines. For example the main function of the three roots, Quiet time, Word, and Prayer is communication with God. You may be having a Quiet time and memorizing scripture, but the question remains, “What is the quality of your communication with God?” And you will notice the word communication written on the trunk of the tree just above these three roots. Now the studies on these individual “Root” topics are designed to help you both understand and apply what the Word of God has to teach us on each one. The Studies are intended to help you come to the point of being convinced for yourself by God through His Word regarding the validity of each of these roots and how they can and should function in your life. That is why I include the paper on, “Conviction Development” written by my friend Geophray Paetzhold.
When these roots are, “functioning” in the believer’s life this will change things. It will in fact radically change things like motives, goals, character, attitudes, etc. The branches of the tree. Some of these changes will simply come over time as the roots function, others like character will also come, but we are also to put effort into character growth.
Finally the tools that you find in this folder are not designed for the new Christian, but for people that have already gotten a good start at developing the “Roots” in their life.