I have been involved with a group of men who meet once a week for Bible study and reading. I have observed that all of them struggle with consistency in their devotional life.
I encourage them, and anyone who shares this struggle, with this great truth: Meeting regularly with God over a long period of time pays great dividends. I learned early in my life that if you save money regularly over a long period of time, the compound return is fantastic! It is the same with practicing the spiritual discipline of spending time alone with God each and every day. The return is multiplied many times over!
Our group is currently studying the book of Nehemiah. The wall and gates are broken and destroyed—much like the lives of many people today—and Nehemiah is trying to get the people to rebuild the walls. They are halfway there when they get stuck. There is rubble and garbage that is keeping them from finishing. Isn’t this so like the believer’s life? We get so discouraged by the rubble and garbage of our lives that we quit building.
Don’t stop halfway! Meet God on a regular basis, and ask Him to remove the barriers to your growth.